Today I'm sharing a sermon series not from me, but from Mark Gungor. It's really moving me as it held a mirror up to me so I could realize that I've read the bible my entire life, and i'm pretty sure (except for being on a bible quizzing team in my teens) I've never just sat down ad read a Gospel (match, Mark, Luke, or John). Mark points out that Christ called us to bey him. To do what he said.
What was it he said again? What are we supposed to do? Hmm… I guess we need to check the manual (the Bible), but most of us don't. If we seriously are going to call ourselves Christians, don't you think we should know what he commands us to do? It was quite an eye opener, and yet very logical. You need to listen to this series by Mark Gungor. Here is the link to watch him and you can subscribe to his teaching in iTunes.
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In addition to being a great Pastor, Mark is a marriage expert. Check out his Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage DVD. My wife and I had one of our best conversations EVER after watching the first (of four) DVDs.
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