Have Your Read A Gospel?
Today I'm sharing a sermon series not from me, but from Mark Gungor. It's really moving me as it held a mirror up to me so I could realize that I've read the bible my entire life, and i'm pretty sure...
View ArticleTwo Things the Churchs Doesn’t Talk About Part I: Money
In my studies I've read books that state a pastor gets a “Pass” once a year to talk about money from the pullpit. Meanwhile we are all (myself included) up to our eyeballs in debt. God gives us plenty,...
View ArticleTwo Things the Churchs Doesn’t Talk About Part II: Porn
First things first. Sex was created by God. It was intended to be saved for your spouse. We are not animals. We can control ourselves. Please don't lump me in as “another Christian trying to make...
View ArticleNightline Report Underage People Addicted to Porn
After last week's episode I've had some people state that I want to be a Quaker. You are missing the point. God has a plan for your life, and he wants you to follow it. If you “color outside the lines”...
View ArticleNew Theme Music Coming From Matt Goss “I’m Here to Praise”
I'm getting ready to recommit to Feeding My Faith by ceasing production on some of my other podcasts. I wanted to get some new music (as I keep sharing music with my Grow Your Church Show). I found a...
View ArticleWhy Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Why do bad things happen to good people? This is a tough question, and one that I have struggled with trying to answer. We learn that “Good is Great, God is Good.” We are told that “God is love.” We...
View ArticleDo Christians Have a License to Sin?
Just Believe Being raised Baptist, I was always told that John 3:16 was all I had to do. Just ask Christ into my heart and all is forgiven. From a human standpoint, that is very hard to fathom. The...
View ArticleSome Ugly Truth
I was ready the book about the questions Christians don't want people to ask. In the chapter on abortion it goes into detail about what actually happens. It turns out there are many creative ways to...
View ArticleAngus T. Jones Calls Two and a Half Men Filth
It should be interesting to see what kind of backlash this young actor gets for sticking up for his faith. He is under contract (which is why he probably didn't quit and wants to avoid a lawsuit). Now...
View ArticleNo Apology Required
One of the things I struggle with is if someone does what I feel is “wrong,' I REALLY want an apology before I even think about forgiving them. This is not biblical. As I was listening to the last...
View ArticleRay Lewis Psalm 91
Ray Lewis lead his team to a super bowl victory to end his career. A controversial person, but of you listen to any interview you know he is a man in pursuit of God's heart. At the end of the game he...
View ArticleWhat if We Treated the Bible Like Our Phone?
I can't take credit for the original question, but I have expanded on it. What if we treated the bible like our cell phone? Would we buy it a cool case so it would stay in great condition? Would it be...
View ArticleJesus Understands You
There are days when your whole world goes upside down. Things do not go as plan. You get a bad report from a doctor. You make a horrible choice. It seems life is too difficult. Maybe you have someone...
View ArticleFirst Hand Faith
I was watching a movie called Peter and Paul and its great, but the special effects were a little cheezy. Then I thought about it… Can you imagine what it must've been like to see the miracles first...
View ArticleLet Your Light Shine
Today I share with you my praise for God who let me see someone come to God and I may have had a small part in it. I also talk about the FACT that people see you, and they are watching you and it DOES...
View ArticleWho and What Makes Jesus Upset?
Today we talk about Jesus when he was upset with people. There are those that get hung on if Jesus was Angry and if it was righteous anger, etc. I want to look at WHO he was Angry and and WHY....
View ArticleSimple Prayers Work
Today I share how I'm trying to do daily bible studies. Not just the simple reading of text, but actually taking time to talk to God. I'm implementing a technique called S.O.A.P. Bible study and I'm...
View ArticleNever Doubt That God Will Take Care Of You
Today I'm trying a new format. It's called SOAP-ING S for Scripture Open your Bible to the reading found under today's date of your Bible reading chart. Take time reading and allow God to speak to you....
View ArticleTeach Me to Obey
Today we look at Genesis 3,4,5; and Luke 2 We see where Eve gets talked into eating the apple and then gets Adam to eat it as well. We also read of Cain killing his brother Able In Luke we see the...
View ArticleSome Times We Need to Wait
Today's scripture is Genesis 6-8 and Luke 3 Genesis 6-8 12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life,...
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